The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality’s Skills Development and Employment Equity Sub-directorate is mandated to provide assistance to unemployed people within the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality areas.


What is it?
Experiential learning programme or student Internship is intended for student interns that are registered as students at the department of higher education and need workplace exposure for clearly defined fixed period in order to be eligible to obtain a qualification in their respective fields. The experiential learning programme integrate what the students have learnt in classroom with practical workplace experience.
Who is the custodian?
Skills Development and Employment Equity sub-directorate within Corporate Service Directorate is responsible for coordinating the unemployed internship programme within Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.
Who is this service for?
The in-service training programme is intended for South African students registered by department of Higher education and training as being eligible for experiential learning programme through workplace interface. These students must be residing in the NMBM region.
What is needed for the beneficiary to attend?
To participate in the NMBM experiential learning programme. The student must have a confirmation letter, confirming that student is registered with the department of higher education and is requiring workplace exposure to obtain qualification in the said field. The letter must clearly state the focus areas the student needs to be exposed in during his or her term in the in-service training. In addition to that the letter must stipulate the duration required by the student in workplace to obtain their qualification, which could range from 6 months to 24 months.
- Documents required: ID certified
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Letter from department of Higher education stating the above.
- Proof of residential address
- Letter from SETA confirming funding for the duration of the workplace exposure period stamped by (not compulsory)
The afore-mentioned documents need to be submitted at Starport building 15th floor to be captured on to the online Database, which is currently accessible to employees only.
How long will it take to be notified of the placement?
The student requiring in-service training will only be noticed of possible placement once the NMBM has secured funding from relevant Sector for Education and Training Authority (SETA) i.e. LGSETA, to pay the student intern stipend. In addition to this and most importantly SD&EE must receive an expression of interest for interns from any of the directorates with budget confirmation for the payment of stipend to the student intern. In essence there is no fixed intervals for intake of student interns, but it is depended on the securing or funding and whether the directorate performing duties relevant to the required exposure as per letter from department of Higher Education and Training. The Metro will be able to host placement of the student intern for period not exceeding 24months as stipulated in the letter for department of Higher Education and Training.
Where is the service offered?
The student intern programme will be offered within Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, however the exact location of the office will be determined by the directorate that will be responsible for hosting the student.
The service is available at Starport building Govern Mbeki on the 15th floor, Skills Development and Employment Equity sub-directorate. The online portal is only accessible to employees once it is available to the public such pronouncement will be published.
How long is this service?
The duration for the successful applicants that will be placed as student interns will be based on the letter from department of Higher Education and Training, which will stipulate required period of experiential learning programme. This period will not exceed 24 months of workplace exposure.
How is this service going to take place?
The service offered will be an in-service training, which will require placement of success student intern. The student intern will be placed within Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality; however, the exact location of the office will be determined by the directorate that will be responsible for hosting the student
Who do I contact?
Ms Lindiwe Tokwe
Call us at 415061246 

What is it?
Learnership is offered to unemployed South African residing within Nelson Mandela Metro who have interest in the identified learnership programme that will lead to registered NQF qualification.
Who is the custodian?
Skills Development and Employment Equity sub-directorate within Corporate Service Directorate is responsible for coordinating the learnership programme for unemployed South African citizens residing within Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.
Who is this service for?
The service is intended for South African citizens residing in NMBM meeting the minimum criteria to participate in the learnership programme.
What is needed for the beneficiary to attend?
The intended recipients for learnership programme are the successful applicants who have interest in the learnership programme that is being advertised, which is based on SETA training intervention strategy or priority areas. The following criteria is a standard criterion but not limited:
- Be unemployed South African citizen residing in Gqeberha or Kariega
- Be in possession of grade 12 certificate having passed subjects that will be advertised as minimum requirement for that learnership programme.
How long will it take to be notified of the placement?
Successful candidates who have applied for learnership programme will be notified within a period of month after closing date for submission of applications.
Where is the service offered?
The service is available at Starport building Govern Mbeki on the 15th floor, Skills Development and Employment Equity sub-directorate. The successful learners attend the identified learnership programme with the service provider who will be appointed to run that specific learnership programme.
How long is this service?
The successful learners will participate in the learnership programme for period of 12 to 24 months depending on the qualification.
When is the service available?
The learnership programme will be made available once NMBM is awarded funds from relevant SETA to facilitate learnership programme intended for the unemployed.
How is this service going to take place?
The successful learners will attend learnership programme with the appointed service provider who will have to facilitate placement of the learners in work-based environment to successfully complete learnership programme,
Who do I contact?
Mr Bongani Daku
Call us at 415062441 
3. APPRENTICESHIP (Artisan Programme)

What is it?
Apprenticeship is offered to unemployed South African residing within Nelson Mandela Metro who have interest in artisan qualification that can be obtained through work-based apprenticeship programme.
Who is the custodian?
Skills Development and Employment Equity sub-directorate within Corporate Service Directorate is responsible for coordinating the apprenticeship programme for unemployed within Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.
Who is this service for?
The service is intended for South African citizens residing in NMBM meeting the minimum criteria to participate in the apprenticeship programme.
What is needed for the beneficiary to attend?
The intended recipients for apprenticeship programme are successful applicants who have interest in the following technical programmes, which are normally advertised (Fitting and Turning, Boilermaker, Carpentry, Plumbing and Electrician), it should be noted that these programmes may vary depending on the SETA priority list when the Municipality apply for funding. The following criteria is a standard criterion but not limited:
- Be unemployed South African citizen residing in Gqeberha or Kariega
- Be in possession of grade 12 certificate having passed following subjects English and Mathematics or Math Literacy.
How long will it take to be notified of the placement?
Successful candidates who have applied for apprenticeship programme will be notified within period of month after closing date of submission of applications.
Where is the service offered?
The service is available at Starport building Govern Mbeki on the 15th floor, Skills Development and Employment Equity sub-directorate. The successful apprentices will be placed at a directorate or company, that has been secured for hosting of apprentice learners during apprenticeship programme.
How long is this service?
The successful candidates will be placed into the apprentice programme for a period of three (3) years.
When is this service available?
The service will be made available once NMBM is awarded funds from relevant SETA to facilitate apprenticeship programme.
How is this service going to take place?
The successful apprentices will be placed at a directorate within NMBM or company, that has
agreed to host apprentices and provide mentors for the duration of apprenticeship programme.
Who do I contact?
Mr Bongani Daku
Call us at 415062441 

What is it?
Conducting annual Career guidance / Expo for school learners (Grade 9 & 12) and unemployed South African residing within Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.
Who is the custodian?
Skills Development and Employment Equity sub-directorate within Corporate Service Directorate is responsible for coordinating the Career Expo/guidance.
Who is this service for?
The service is intended for school learners (Grade 9 & 12) as well as unemployed South African citizens residing in NMBM.
What is needed for the beneficiary to attend?
- Be South African citizen residing in Gqeberha or Kairega
- School learners in grade 9 and 12 within the NMBM region as well as unemployed South Africans residing in Gqeberha or Kariega.
How long will it take to be notified of the placement?
The targeted schools will be informed about the date for the planned career guidance. The Ward Councilors will assist in notifying the unemployed citizens within their wards about the Career Guidance opportunities.
Where is the service offered?
The service is available at Starport building Govern Mbeki on the 15th floor, Skills Development and Employment Equity sub-directorate. The successful target group will be advised of the venue wherein the Career Expo will take place.
How long is this service?
The Career Expo is a three-day event, first day for grade 9, second day for grade 12 and the third day is intended for the unemployed.
When is this service available?
The Career Expo is an annual event, which takes place during the month of March.
How is this service going to take place?
The Career Expo will take place in the identified venues central to the target group and communicated in advance to the relevant schools.
Who do I contact?
Mr Bongani Daku
Call us at 415062441 

What is it?
Adult Education and Training (AET) is offered to unemployed South African citizens residing within Nelson Mandela Metro who have interest in outcome-based education level 1-4. |
Who is the custodian?
Skills Development and Employment Equity sub-directorate within Corporate Service Directorate is responsible for coordinating the AET programme for unemployed within Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.
Who is this service for?
The service is intended for South African citizens residing in NMBM meeting the minimum criteria to participate in the AET programme.
What is needed for the beneficiary to attend?
The intended recipients for AET programme are the successful applicants who have interest in outcome-based education for level 1-4. Interested candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Be South African citizen residing in Gqeberha or Kariega above the age of 18 years.
- Applicants will be assessed and thereafter be placed in an appropriate level ranging from 1-4.
- The AET programme is only for level 1-4 or grade 1-9
How long will it take to be notified of the placement?
Successful applicants will be notified within month after closing date for submission of application.
Where is the service offered?
The service is available at Starport building Govern Mbeki on the 15th floor, Skills Development and Employment Equity sub-directorate. The successful learners will attend the identified AET programme at local area closest to their residence.
How long is this service?
Successful applicants will be expected to attend or participate in AET programme for period not less than 12 months.
When is this service available?
The AET programme will be made available once NMBM is awarded funds from relevant SETA to facilitate AET programme.
How is this service going to take place?
The successful learners will attend AET programme which will be hosted in municipal facility closest their area of residence. The AET programme will be facilitated by the NMBM ABET facilitator.
Who do I contact?
Mr Bongani Daku
Call us at 415062441 
Not only do you have a responsibility to yourself, but also to the employer to show up eager and interested in the position offered.
To impress and be successful, you need to know something about the organisation where you are applying to.
- What is their vision?
- The different departments? What do they do?
- What does their logo mean? What does the colours represent?
- How many employees are there?
- Where do you see yourself?
Don’t frustrate the employer and embarrass yourself by not knowing what you are talking about. Make a lasting impact for the right reasons. Do your research.
Internship/Learner/Apprenticeship is two-fold. While you are offered an opportunity to learn, you also offer the employer an opportunity to see you what they will gain by hiring you. Aim to complete tasks quickly and on time. Show that you are willing to learn and capable of meeting deadlines. Consistent efficiency in the smaller tasks might be rewarded with more responsibility and ultimately even a permanent position. Grab the opportunity and do your very best!
Interns/Apprentices are notoriously known to have to do the ‘not so nice’ work. Just remember, everyone started somewhere, mostly always at the bottom. There is no superhighway to success, you must show willingness in performing all sorts of jobs.
Don’t be ‘above’ menial tasks, do them, and do them well. Show that you are flexible, able and willing to do all kinds of tasks. Who knows, you might learn some brand new skills that will add value to your CV.
Building connections is one of the most pleasantly surprising opportunities of intern/learner/apprenticeships.
Being aware and on the lookout for connections throughout your in internship could potentially open doors for more networking options and even future employment. Utilise the opportunities to build relationships. Don’t be scared to turn to individuals in a similar environment to where you would like to see yourself in future, for advice. Those very same connections can be used as reference on your CV. You will be surprised to see just how many people you meet and work with during your internship. Make the most of it!
Going the extra mile, in any job, will benefit you. Always. It not only shows your willingness to embrace the job, but it shows something about your character. Be that person that comes up with new suggestions, offer to take on tasks that will lift the burden from busy colleagues, offer to make them coffee/tea when you see they are stressed. Grasp every opportunity to showcase your amazing interpersonal skills not visible on your CV.
Enjoy your internship and make the most of it but do so with integrity.