Frequently asked Questions
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Appeals are regulated by section 74 of the Act. Notice of Internal Appeal may be lodged by the requester who is not satisfied about the outcome of Section 18.

(1) application or deemed refusal. In the event the Notice of Internal Appeal fails or institution does not provide required response, requester may elect to approach the High Court for necessary relief or abandon the matter. The procedure with lodgment of Notice of Internal Appeal is that within 60 days from date of refusal of section 18(1) application or deemed refusal, Appeal must be lodged with the Information Officer of the Municipality. Appellant must provide reasons for submitting an appeal. In case of our Municipality a fee for internal appeal is deferred until determination is made on the merit of the Notice of Internal Appeal.

Request for access to information held by the Municipality is regulated by section 18 of the Act and can be requested by filling in the application form. Please click here to download the Manual and applicable forms.

Upon receipt of the requested information, Municipality has 30 days to assess and consider the application submitted by the requester. A non - refundable application fee of R35.00 is payable before processing the request. In the event, the application is refused Information Officer must advise the requester accordingly.
Each application received must be considered within 30 days from the date of receipt. In the event the application is not considered after 30 days it is automatically "deemed refusal".
In the event the Information Officer grant requested information further fee may be charged depending on the time spent in collating the requested information as well as the production fee. In determining the applicable fee for the above, we are guided by the tariff set out in the regulations of the Act.
The application fee as well as other costs related are payable to our banking account details which are attached hereto for ease of reference.
Bank: ABSA
Account name: Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Account number: 40 7953 3826
Branch code: 63 2005


Who must complete the ATTP application form?

The account holder must complete and sign the application, in person. Where the account holder has relocated due to illness, a Power of Attorney may be provided to a family member to apply on behalf of the account holder.

What if the account holder is bedridden?

Applications forms are available online, or at any Customer Care center. Alternatively- House visits are performed by NMBM officials. Contact tel 041-506 1704 for an appointment.

What if the Account holder is unable to sign?

The representative must obtain all the documents and also present a Power of Attorney, granting them authority to sign on the account holder's behalf. This applies when the account holder is physically or mentally unable to act on behalf of themselves e.g. account holder suffers from mental illness. Furthermore, this will also apply when the account holder has relocated due to illness, provided a Power of Attorney is obtained.

What if the account holder has absconded?

A family member residing on the relevant property can apply on behalf of the account holder. Relevant family member must provide a valid SAPS case number to prove that the abscondment has been reported.

What is the maximum income for the household to qualify?

Total income of the Owner/s added together may not exceed the value of two (2) State Pensions. From October 2023 this amount is: R2090 x 2 = R4180. Note that this value increases on 1 April of each year and therefore the max ceiling for ATTP qualification increases on 1 April of each year to stay in line with the State Pension increases approved by Government (Policy clause: 1.1.1)

Income exclusions (Not counted towards income):

Foster Child Grant, Care Dependency Grant, Child Support Grant, Grant in Aid, Court ordered Child maintenance, Disability Grant, Ward Committee stipend

How long are the ATTP benefits valid?

Benefits (monthly subsidy) are valid for a period of three (3) years from the date of approval on the relevant account, not the date of ATTP application form. All account-holders must re-apply before the three (3) years are up. A reminder, in the form of a letter, will be posted to the relevant household two (2) months before the expiration date. (Policy clause: 2.1.31)

Who must complete the ATTP application form when the account holder is deceased?

The Executor of the Estate, as stated on the Master of the High Court’s Letter of Authority must complete the ATTP application form. If the Executor is a Bank or Attorney, a letter from the Bank or Attorney providing authority to a household occupant is required to complete the application form. (Policy clause: 2.1.5)

Tenants can apply for a free 75 kWh electricity token. What is a tenant?

A tenant is an individual that pays rent to the property owner or resides on the property to look after the property.

Explain the compulsory three (3) year re-application process?

The ATTP Policy stipulates that an account-holder must re-apply for the ATTP subsidy every three (3) years.

A letter will be posted two (2) months before the expiry date to inform the relevant account-holder of the requirement to re-apply. An e-mail will also be sent to the relevant Ward Councillor advising of the same requirement and providing the affected properties in the ward. A sms message will be sent to the relevant account holder where a cell phone number is on record.

Can the free token be issued whilst the account holder waits for re-application approval?

The free token will be issued as long as the account holder reapplies before the expiry date. Once the ATTP is canceled due to no reapplication done before the expiry date, the free token will be stopped. Token will only be reinstated after the re-application is received and approved, not whilst waiting for verification.

Visit your nearest municipal Customer Care Centre in person or person with delegated authority.

Click here for a list of municipal enquiry offices

You can telephone the Customer Care Helpline at 0800 20 50 50 (Option 1). If you speak to someone in person or over the telephone, make sure that you record that person's name if he/she is unable to resolve your enquiry immediately: this will be of assistance should you need to follow up your enquiry. 

Alternatively email query to

For copy of statement only email:

Email your complaint to

Alternatively, you can phone tel 041-506 5533 to lodge your dissatisfaction.

Should the counter staff member not resolve your query immediately, a formal query will be lodged on the Query Management System and a SMS will be sent to the cellphone number on record, providing confirmation that the query has been lodged. 

A monthly SMS will be sent to the same cellphone number mentioned above, to provide progress of the resolution. 

Water Complaints - contact 0800 20 5050 and the operator will give you a reference number with regard to your complaint and direct you to the correct person, who will furnish you with a unique reference number. 

Electricity complaints – contact tel. 041 506 5595

No, the consumer cannot choose a pin number.  The computer randomly selects a computer-generated number. Also, the pin number is stored in the Billing System in a secured encrypted format. 

Yes, the IVR service can operate anywhere in the world because it’s an application that can be downloaded on any Android or Apple phone.

The account holder must however email in order to obtain a PIN number. 

The PIN number cannot be downloaded from the app

Yes, but only if the owner gives him/her a Power of Attorney document and a certified copy of the owner’s ID.

No, the account holder must register in order to obtain a PIN number to access IVR E-services.

Customers with more than one water or electricity meter route number can register for IVR meter–related services, but multiple readings can only be entered on the NMBM website under IVR E-services and not via the NMBM mobile App. 

All services offered by IVR require a PIN number. The pay-by-phone and voluntary meter readings service gets issued with a PIN number to ensure confidentiality.  

This PIN number can be reset by using the reset pin function on the NMBM Mobile app or NMBM website under E-services.

Alternatively, email to obtain a new pin. 

A SMS will be sent to the cellphone number on record requesting for a reading to be submitted within 5 working days. 

Readings submitted before the SMS or after the 5 working days will not be processed and usage will be estimated.

The various methods are listed below:-

1.   Online registration

2. Download the IVR Registration Form 2024 or obtainable from any Customer Care Centre

3. Contacting the Accounts Call Centre on telephone 0800 20 50 50

4.  Requesting a faxed application form via the IVR Help Desk menu on 041-506 5518

5. Download the NMBM mobile app via Android Playstore or Apple App store and register via the app on your cellphone.

SMS template for faxed statement to 31151 or phone 041 506 5518

Acc 600000000000 fax 0410000000

Registered pay by phone only


Acc 600000000000 bal

Steps to follow:

Type Acc, leave a space, type in your 12 digit municipal account number without leaving any spaces between the digits, and then leave a space after the 12 digit municipal account number and type in bal


Sms template below to 31151 or phone in to 041-506 5528

Water Entry

Acc 600000000000 mtr w 123456789


Acc 600000000000 mtr e 123456789

To purchase prepaid electricity you can sms 31151 or phone 041 506 5524.

See example below:

Acc (enter your 12 digit NMBM acc number)  mid (enter your 11 digit prepaid meter number)  PIN (use your IVR pin) amt (purchase amount needed)

Within a few minutes, you will receive a SMS response containing your token number, receipt no and amount purchased. If you do not receive a response please phone (041) 506 5524 and verify the last transaction or token purchased.

Additional purchases cannot be made, unless all previous purchases are cleared by your bank.


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