Frequently asked Questions
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1. You need to be a registered member of a NMBM Library
2. You will need your library card number to log into Overdrive (platform where our eBooks are hosted)
3.Click here to go directly to the eBook also called eMedia or eLibrary 

NB: To access eBooks, you must not have any alerts attached to your user profile (i.e. fines, overdue items,  etc) 
Joining is free of charge, and can be done at any of the metro libraries.  Take along your ID and proof of your residential address. If you are not resident in the metro area, you can join as a short-term user; your SA ID or passport plus proof of residential address is required.
You may request a renewal by phoning the library where you borrowed the book.  Have you library membership card and your books at hand, as you will be need to give the staff your user number and the book numbers.  You will be given a renewal reference number and the new due dates.

You may also send an email to, giving the same information.  You will receive an email giving you the new due dates.
Report this to your library immediately to prevent fines being incurred.  You will be asked to either pay the replacement cost of the book, or to replace it with the same or similar title in mint condition.


Lending of books, magazines, CDs,
Holiday programmes
Craft activities
Reading ClubsInformation sources (journals, magazines & audio books)

There are two types of free WiFi at the Libraries, click here to view the list


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