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Load shedding Definition


When there is not enough electricity available to meet the demand for all Eskom’s customers, it could be necessary to interrupt supply to certain areas.  This is called load shedding.


Guidelines for Load shedding

Before Load shedding


  • When you are warned about a pre-scheduled load shedding, boil water and keep in a thermos flask for hot drinks, prepare meals beforehand and use thermal covers to keep the food warm.
  • Make sure you have torches, batteries, candles and matches, and put them somewhere where they can be easily found in the dark.  It is a good idea to keep a torch (with fresh batteries) by your bedside at all times.
  • To ensure that you will be able to get into (and out of) your home, release automatic electric garage door mechanisms and switch electric security gates to manual operation.
  • Invest in a small LP gas lamp, as they provide quality lighting for a large area, and in a gas-heating ring for essential cooking.
  • If you have a fireplace, make sure that you have adequate wood or charcoal for a fire.  If not, invest in a gas heater.  Not only will this come in handy during load shedding, but also gas is far more effective for space heating that electricity.
  • Make sure that your cell phone’s battery is fully charged at all times.  Not only is this a good idea regardless of the circumstances, but also when land-line telecommunications are interrupted due to power outages, you will need your cell phone to reach the outside world.
  • Adequate fuel in your vehicle is another precaution, given that pumps at petrol stations cannot be operated during power outages.
  • The same goes for ATM’s, therefore some cash stored in a safe place at home is a good idea.

 During Load shedding

  • From a security point of view, ensure that all doors and windows are locked should your alarm system not have a back-up power supply.
  • During the load shedding period, it is best to make sure that all lights and appliances are switched off and, where applicable, unplugged.  Not only will this avoid a disharmony of sound and light when the power returns, but it will also protect your appliances against possible power surges while supply is being restored.  It is wise, though, to leave a single light switch in the "on” position to alert you when the power returns.
  • Refrain from opening the refrigerator door during the load shedding, as this will allow the cold air to escape.  By keeping the door closed, a power outage of up to four hours will not cause food to spoil in the fridge, while a freezer should keep frozen food safe for at least a day.  It is a good idea to have snacks available that do not need refrigeration.

After Load shedding

  • Once the power has been restored, do not switch all your appliances on at once, as the power supply might sill be slightly unstable.  Only switch on those you need immediately.
  • It is a good idea to switch appliances on and off systematically to make sure that no damage was caused by the power interruption, and that the equipment is in good working order.
  • Remember to reset electronic clocks, especially your bed side alarm, and other timer that could have been disturbed, such as the pool pump or sprinkler system.



Let us avoid or reduce the need for Load shedding by consuming less energy more on morning and evening peak periods.  Which are from 07H00 – 10H00 and 18H00 – 21H00.  We should also continue to save energy, as the little difference we make will make a big difference in our Country. 

Electricity & Energy Directorate Contact Numbers


Customer Service

(08h00 – 16h00) :  041 392 4162


Call Centre open 07h00 – 22h00

Every day :  041 506 5595

Report illegal Connection or Tampering


(During weekday 08h00 – 16h00) :  041 392 4308

(08h00 – 16h00) Mon-Tues :  041 392 4162


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