Frequently asked Questions
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Yes, a fine of up to R2000 can be issued but the following information is needed when an insident of illegal dumping is reported:

Vehicle registration number
Vehicle make and colour
Time and place of offence
Description of what was dumped
Photo's of the insident will strenghten the case and can be emailed to
Discarding, placing or leaving waste on any land or road other than a disposal site approved by the Municipality is AN OFFENCE.

Waste may only be disposed of at a licensed landfill sites or approved municipal drop-off site. A fine of up to R2000 may be imposed for illegal dumping.
Report this immediately to 0800 20 50 50 (all hours) or 041 506 2833 (office hours) or
alternatively at the Waste Management Depot closest to where the dumping took place:
Harrower Road (PE City Area) – 041 506 2018
Gail Road (Northern Areas) – 041 506 2372
Struanway (Ibhayi ) – 041 506 2284
Addo Road (Motherwell/Bluewater Bay) – 041 506 2521
Cuyler Street (Uitenhage/Despatch) – 041 994 1137

The following must be reported:
Vehicle registration number
Vehicle make and colour
Time and place of offence
Information of what was dumped
Photo's of the insident will strenghten the case and can be emailed to


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