Frequently asked Questions
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  • An appointment must be made with the Fire Safety Division. 
  • At the appointment, a full set of building plans must be made available for scrutiny.

NOTE: There are costs involved for certain services.  Contact: 041 585 2311

For any South Africa National Standards (SANS) queries or the purchase of SANS documents, please contact the Standards Sales Office at 012 4286198 / 6834 or

Literature is freely available. Please call the Administration Number 041 585 2311 to request a free set of literature.
  • Yes. 
  • An appointment must be made with the Fire Safety Division. 
  • A date will be fixed to conduct training at your premises. 
  • Council’s Tariff of Charges will apply.

NOTE: There are costs involved for certain services. Contact: 041 585 2311.


For any South Africa National Standards (SANS) queries or the purchase of SANS documents, please contact the Standards Sales Office at 012 4286198 / 6834 or
  • Yes. 
  • An appointment must be made with the Fire Safety Division. 
  • A date will be fixed to conduct training at your premises. 
  • Council’s Tariff of Charges will apply.

NOTE: There are costs involved for certain services. Contact: 041 585 2311.

 For any South Africa National Standards (SANS) queries or the purchase of SANS documents, please contact the Standards Sales Office at 012 4286198 / 6834 or

An incident report  will be opened and you will be required to answer the following questions. Once you have answered all the questions an incident number will be allocated and an appropriate vehicle despatched.

* Fire
* Rescue
* Spillage
* Other - that is Miscellaneous Incident

* Dwelling
* Flats
* Hotels
* Shops
* Other  Buildings

VEHICLE - is it:
* Inside Building    - Yes or No
* Motor Vehicles
* Trucks
* Buses
* Road Tankers, etc.

GENERAL - is it:
* Vegetation
* Rubbish
* Other

* Opening of Premises
* Stuck in Lift, etc

* Name of Caller
* Address of Incident
* Suburb
* Nearest Cross Road
* Caller's Telephone Number
* Time of Incident


  • Keep portable and space heaters at least 3 feet (1m) from anything that can burn.
  • Never leave heaters on when you leave home or go to bed and keep children and pets well away from them.


  • Never smoke in bed or when you are drowsy, because you may fall asleep, sustain serious injuries, or even burn to death.
  • Provide large, deep ashtrays for smokers, and pour water on butts before discarding them.
  • Before going to bed or leaving home, check under and around sofa cushions for smouldering cigarettes.
  • Use Paraffin Safely: Ensure that your primus functions properly and keep it away from any material that can ignite or burn.
  • Candles are Fire Hazards: Do not place a candle or any other flame equipment near curtains, because this may cause a fire.
  • Place a candle in a proper holder, otherwise it could fall over and cause a fire.
  • Do Not Play With Matches: Teach your children from childhood about the dangers of matches and open flames.


Do not leave irons unattended whilst switched on.


The following must be used as an initial aid only, whilst waiting for the fire engine to arrive:

  • Garden hose with nozzle.
  • Fire-bucket filled with sand.
  • Wine-bag filled with water.
  • Use Bicarbonate of Soda as a fire extinguisher (for oven fires e.g. a biscuit tray on fire).
  • STOP, DROP, and ROLL. Everyone should know this rule: if your clothes catch fire, don’t run. Stop where you are, drop to the ground, cover your face with your hands to protect your face and lungs, and roll over and over to smother the flames.


  • Never leave cooking unattended.
  • Keep cooking areas clear of combustibles.
  • Keep the handles of your pots turned inward.
  • If cooking oil catches fire, carefully slide a lid over the pan to smother the flames, then turn off the burner.
  • Never put foil or other metals in a microwave oven.
  • Use Gas Correctly: Ensure that all piping leading from the gas cylinders to the appliances is of the correct type and in good condition.

  • An appointment must be made with the Fire Safety Division. 
  • A physically inspection will be within 24 hours. 
  • Council’s Tariff of Charges will apply.

NOTE: There are costs involved for certain services. Contact: 041 585 2311.

 For any South Africa National Standards (SANS) queries or the purchase of SANS documents, please contact the Standards Sales Office at 012 4286198 / 6834 or

  • Permission from be obtained from Environmental Health Services. Phone: 041 506 1911 or 041 506 5210/2.
  • If the application is approved, it will be forwarded to Fire Safety Division that will do a physical inspection the area.
  • An application may be turned down by the Fire and Emergency Services for specific reasons, of which the Applicant will be advised.

NOTE: There are costs involved for certain services. Contact: 041 585 2311.

 For any South Africa National Standards (SANS) queries or the purchase of SANS documents, please contact the Standards Sales Office at 012 4286198 / 6834 or

  • Yes.
  • You should have obtained prior approval from the Department of Labour for your installation. The approval documentation shall be available at all times.
  • An appointment must be made with the Fire Safety Division to fix a date and time for inspection of the installation

NOTE: There are costs involved for certain services. Contact: 041 585 2311.

For any South Africa National Standards (SANS) queries or the purchase of SANS documents, please contact the Standards Sales Office at 012 4286198 / 6834 or

NOTE: The are costs involved with certain services. Please request the costs when calling.

An appointment must be made with a Fire Safety Officer by calling 041 585 2311. A full set of building plans must be submitted.

  • Fuel Storage Permits are valid for one (1) year and can be obtained from the Fire Safety Division. 
  • Council’s Tariff of Charges will apply.

NOTE: There are costs involved for certain services. Contact: 041 585 2311.

 For any South Africa National Standards (SANS) queries or the purchase of SANS documents, please contact the Standards Sales Office at 012 4286198 / 6834 or


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