Frequently asked Questions
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An Environmental Impact Assessment (also known as an "EIA") is an activity that involves assessing the known and unknown environmental, social and economic impacts of a proposed development BEFORE the development goes ahead.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) defines climate change as " a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.” 
Today, we understand climate change to be the result of an unnatural increase in the natural frequency of climate change, caused by man-made activities. 
The Municipality began tackling climate change in 2008 with the launch of the Go Green Campaign. Central to our understanding of climate change is an acknowledgement that certain activities e.g. coal-fired electricity, mass animal farming, and petrol-fuelled vehicles, all contribute to Greenhouse Gases (GHG), which are the gases that cause an increase in the Earth's temperature. By increasing the Earth's temperature beyond its natural balance, global and local climate change is accelerated. Climate change is recognized in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality Integrated Development Plan (IDP, 2011-2016, 10th Edition)) as a developmental challenge to the health of residents. The Integrated Environmental Policy (adopted 26th July 2013) has also stated commitments to addressing climate change challenges by (among others) encouraging renewable energy technology, technology and actions which reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and fulfilment of local and international obligations. Actions in support of climate change range from co-hosting the first Eastern Cape Climate Change Workshop, to participating in the 17th annual UNFCCC  Conference of the Parties (COP) held in Durban, where the NMBM became a signatory of the Durban Adaptation Charter. Various environmental management tools such as the Coastal Management Plan, Environmental Management Systems at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium and Green Procurement for the NMBM. More information on climate change actions can be found on the Go Green pages.
Sustainable development is a concept that takes social, environmental and economic aspects of any development or activity into account, so that future generations can benefit from the same resources we have now.
When any development is designed, planned or assessed, equal attention must be given to the social, environmental and economic impacts of the development.
These three areas (social, environmental and economic) are referred to as the "triple bottom line".
Environmental management is concerned with the management of potential and and actual impacts of development, in order to comply with legislation, in addition to the management of open spaces within the metro (parks, natural reserves, coastal areas).                                                                                                                                                              
Environmental health is concerned with the monitoring of all activities with implications to human health (food stalls, kitchens), air quality management, and the inspection and/or licensing of premises to maintain hygienic standards.
Requests for hikes can be referred to the Environmental Education Awareness Division of the Environmental Management Sub-Directorate:

Ms Pumla Koltana, 041 506 1661,               
Also check your local newspapers before the June and December school holidays, as organized hikes in various nature reserves in the city are hosted during these holiday periods.
Assistance with school projects on environmental management topics can be referred to the Environmental Education Awareness Division of the Environmental Management Sub-Directorate:
Ms Pumla Koltana, 041 506 1661,
Check the local newspapers for notices of EIAs, as well as local libraries. You can also register as an Interested and Affected Party, by responding to the contact details contained within the EIA notices.


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